a n g é l i q ue   b o u d e t   -   i n d i a

Oh ah hum vajra guru padma siddhi hum

More than two thousand years ago, a man searching for truth during innumerable lives went to a peaceful place in the North of India and sat down under a tree. Animated by a huge determination, he vowed of not to leave the place before finding the truth.

At twilight, they say, he triumphed over all dark forces of illusion and the day after at first light, when Venus planet appeared in the dawn’s sky, the man received the reward for his patience, his discipline and his unfailing concentration: he reached the ultimate aim of any human existence, awakening.


Mahabalipuram, 2009


In that sacred moment, earth itself trembled as drunk from bliss and, the holy writ say, "no man was angry, sick or sad in any place, no man intended to injure, no man was arrogant; the world was at peace, as though it had reached total perfection". That man was later known as Buddha.

Sogyal Rinpoché. Tibetan book of life and death.

OH AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM (Om Ah Houng Benza Gourou Péma Siddhi Houng)
— Mantra de Padmasambhava

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